Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Is there a site to go to too find out about care on a flower or plants?

my grandmother was gien a beatiful flower for mothers day and i don't what type it is so don't know how much to water it or if should keep in shade or sun? somone said name of it but don't know how spell think might be spelled like gloxcemia or glocemia not sure. need go to site that has pic. went to flowers.com couldn't find. and also went to gardening and types of flowers.com. or if theres somone knows about flowers their beautiful like a velvet reddish pink color with big soft leafs.and the ones hadn't bllomed yet is all green the ones bllooming are pink then turns more red. hope somone could help is very special to grandmother

Is there a site to go to too find out about care on a flower or plants?
I think you are talking about Gloxinia

Gloxinia Care Instructions

Scientific Name: Sinningia speciosa

sin-IN-jee-ah spee-see-OH-sah

Water: Moderately moist soil is preferred. Water thoroughly when just the soil surface is dry to the touch. Do not allow plants to stand in water.

Light: Indirect or bright-diffused light is best. Temperature: Prefers 70F-75F degrees during the day and 65F-70F degrees at night.

Tips: Bloom will last from 2-4 weeks with proper care.

Take care not to overwater, as this can prevent buds from developing.

Avoid splashing water on leaves, which can cause yellow spots.

Aphids can be a problem.
Reply:i am glad that i am not as smart as the ca. cop but Burpee.com is a good place to start. lol

this is where i go to when i have plant problems!
Reply:You live in a information age dummie look it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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