Thursday, February 9, 2012

What kinda' of plant/flower is this?

well my mother, bought this kind've plant from the 99Cent store :) cause it was cheap yeah :D and she thought it would grow to be a nice plant/ flower thing :D when she bought it , itdidnt come with any info on it, and she cant remember the name really except on the box she picked it from said "red amazilli or emily or something like that

* right now its a brown onion like bulb thing with a small green sprout on the top.

i wanna know what's its name that my mom cant remember exactly, what will it grow into/how will it look in the future and any more info on it Please :D if you can figure what plant this is

Thank You

What kinda' of plant/flower is this?
Look at these. If these look familiar, then it is a Red Amaryllis:

If this IS your flower, then look here:
Reply:It is an Amarryillis a very large (comes in red-pink-yellow-white %26amp; even green) plant in dirt in early Oct just up to bulb neck- rich soil-water well. Make sure excellent drainage if potted- requires half day or more sun- very bright window if in house. By 3 weeks, you should see really long, slendar green leaves coming out of bulb/, thengrow very rapidly. Usually blooms at Christmas or thereabout- keep watered, fertilize Lightly with Miracle grow when skinny long stem appears in leaves- this is stalk of flower- can reach upwards of 3 feet %26amp; usually has 3 large trumpet shaped flowers. When flowering is over- quit watering but allow leaves to die back naturally, as this is what supplies energy for next years blooms. Cut back to 1 inch above bulb when all leaves yellow, %26amp; do not water till spring. Keep away from cold drafts. You may get second blooming if you repeat instructions about March (May -if you are in cold area) DO NOT OVERWATER-Only water when 1 inch down soil gets dry.
Reply:I am going to guess that it is an Amaryllis??? This is a bulb and can be "forced" to bloom. If you live in the deep south you can put in the ground in indirect sun or you can keep it indoors. Depending on the type of Amaryllis bulb you have you may get red, white or a multi colored flower - whatever the color, they are truly beautiful. Some are fragrant - some are not. Don't keep the bulb too wet or it will rot. Just damp and watch it grow! They grow fast.
Reply:amaryllis bulb?
Reply:the description of bulb with a green tip,is common to all bulbs showing signs of awakening from their dormant stage,the green tip,soon to grown into a shoot is the first sign of growth.My guess is that it is an amaryllis bulb,it will now need coming out of it's packing %26amp; kept indoors where there is light %26amp; warmth.,water when dry,after new leaves have sprung up,a single shoot with a bud at the tip should develop ,this will bloom into a bunch of closely packed tubular, lilly like flowers.I hope i am right because i am sure you will never be disappointed with this display of colour %26amp; form.

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