Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What is the most beautiful flower in the spring that you know of or grow?

how do you care for them and names please.

What is the most beautiful flower in the spring that you know of or grow?
I love the purple iris. You plant the it in the fall and it comes up in the spring...it's a root so it's very easy to move around and there is very little care needed. Once it's planted, it'll come up every year.
Reply:Just about any bearded iris
Reply:I just love tulips. There is just, well array of colors. We have gobs of them. Tulips pretty much take care of them selves.
Reply:I have daffodils tulips crocuses and pansies.
Reply:If you have a fenced area, plant Clamatis. There are several varieties and they'll climb the fence, spread out and are absolutely gorgeous. I have purple, pink and yellow ones along my fence and they blossom from late May through August. You do have to clip the vines back a little in the fall but they come right back the next year.
Reply:Well, I'm not entirely done with the #1 flower garden yet, but so far I have about 50 reblooming bearded iris, about 300 of 5 different species of daffodill, including King Alfred, some pinks and the green, about 20 jonquils, some summer blooming narcissus, 5 different colors of tulips, one of them is supposed to be blue (we'll see) an orange fruitillaria, about 50 grape hiacynths and about 30 asian and oriental lillies. There will also be Shasta daisies, babies breath, and a mini rose bush that were already there. In the shade part, I have hostas, astilbe, heleborus and some ferns. Along the privet hedge, I have white daffodils with orange centers and up by the house are a lot of tulips, some lillies and giant purple allium. In the back, I have about 100 hiacynths lining the lawn in the back beds and 10 peony plants that are established, most of which are double white and EXTREMELY fragrant. They bloom profusely. I have a volunteer crabapple tree which produces the most beautiful pink flowers, an Apple, peach and cherry tree and some Lilacs. On the side yard are the daylillies and 4 o'clock plant and then toward the backyard there is a small bed with mint, poppies, pink peony, streaked tulips, a rose and some little white flowery bulbs. I also have the green daffodils and tulips there. I love ALL my flowers and plan to get more! Oh and there are tulips and grape hiacynths under the pine tree in the corner. Grape hiacynths are everywhere! Last year I also had dahlias and mammoth sunflowers. Those were 12 feet tall and the flower was about 20 inches across. My parrot is now enjoying plenty of sunflower seeds! I think the prettiest flower I have is the peruvian daffodil. It likes sun and a bit of humidity and plenty of fertilizer. But this is not a bulb you can leave in the ground unless you are in CA or HA or FL. I'm not, so grow it in a pot.
Reply:the most beautiful flower would be a red or pink or white rose
Reply:i think tulips are beautiful
Reply:Cherry Blossoms. I have a tree in my yard and go to the yearly D.C. Cheryy Blossom festival and they are amazing flowers.

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